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What Is Slim Jim Tool and Manual on How to Use It

by Kobi Ben 23 Feb 2023 0 Comments
What Is Slim Jim Tool and Manual on How to Use It

What Is Slim Jim Tool and Manual on How to Use It

What do locksmiths, car dealerships, and even thieves all have in common? They are more likely to use a lockout tool called a slim jim.


It might be your first time hearing it. It might also be that you know about it, but you want to figure out whether you should buy it. Either way, this blog post gives you more information about the slim jim tool and teaches you how to use it. It also shares some tips on how and where to buy it.

What Is a Slim Jim Tool?

Opening a locked car door looks simple, but in reality, it is complicated. The lock comes with many parts, such as the tumbler, the plug, the housing, and more. The tumbler is where you insert the key. The plug is a cylindrical part that turns when you insert the key. Then there's the shear line, which is where both the plug and tumbler meet.


To open a car door with a lockpick, you need to put the tension wrench on the plug. Then, you must insert the pick in the keyway and apply pressure so you can move the pins up one by one. When all the pins are in place, you can turn the plug.


When you want to avoid all these steps, you can use a slim jim. It is a long and thin piece of metal that you can insert in between a car's window and the rubber seal. It works in this way:


  • Place the hook part of the tool at the bottom of the car door's window. Make sure that the hook is pointing toward the lock.
  • Insert the slim jim in between the window and the rubber seal.You will feel some resistance as you do this. Do not worry since this is normal.
  • Once you have inserted the tool a few inches, start moving it up and down. You must do this quickly so you can create some space between the door and the frame.
  • Now that there is some space, you can slide the slim jim toward the lock. You will know that you are doing it right if you feel the tool touching the lock's locking mechanism.
  • Once the slim jim touches the locking mechanism, start moving it up and down until you hear a click. This click means that the lock has been disengaged. You can now open the door since the lock is no longer working.


Many find the slim jim tool to be user-friendly, especially for locksmith beginners and inexperienced ones.


Some slim jim sets also include the following features, like a key decoder that lets you determine a lock's bitting or the order of a lock's depths and spaces. Some have strips that are in various sizes. This way, you can use the one that fits the particular car model you are trying to open.

Pairing the Slim Jim Tool with Key Fobs

When you want to complete your lockout tools, consider buying key fobs such as Autel KM100. This product is a key master that can generate, copy, and transponder chip keys. With this device, you don't need to go to the dealer whenever you misplace or lose your car keys. You can make a new one with this key fob machine.


The typical Autel KM100 price is about $100. While it sounds pricey, it also comes with plenty of great features:


  • It has a built-in memory feature that lets you save up to 20 key profiles
  • With the Autel KM100 price, you have a hi-tech device that works with several car brands and models.
  • It also works with Bluetooth, so you can use it wirelessly. This product has a fast and efficient processor that quickly clones or generates new keys.
  • The machine also comes with a manual, so you can read it whenever you have questions.
  • With the Autel KM100 price, you also get a responsive 5.5-inch screen. You can see a lot of details in one go.


Overall, the Autel KM100 price is reasonable. Plus, a slim jim alone costs less than $50.

Final Words

A slim jim tool is a great device that can help you open locked car doors quickly. It is also user-friendly, so even beginners can use it with ease. Plus, it is an excellent complement to other vehicle lockout tools, like a key fob. With this machine, you don't need to go to the dealer whenever you lose or misplace your car keys. You can quickly generate a new one with this device.

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