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Master Lock Key Differences

by Kobi Ben 22 Aug 2022 0 Comments
Master Lock Key Differences

An apartment complex usually has dozens to hundreds of residential units. There must also be dozens to hundreds of unique keys to open each unit. However, you often see building managers carrying only a single key to gain access to all rooms. This particular key is known as a master lock key. It can open all master locks that you pair with the key. 


Before learning about master lock key differences, you should first grasp the lock and key mechanism. We’ll walk you through everything you need to know about the master key system. 

How Does A Lock and Key Work?

There are numerous different types of locks. The best example to introduce the master lock system is the pin-and-tumbler lock. A pin-and-tumbler lock is a mechanical lock, which means you need a key to open it. 


Inside the lock cylinder, there is a series of shafts composed of a triad of pins, driver pins, and springs. The springs provide pressure for the lock pins to rest on the ledge. You must know that the pins have different lengths, so they are not on the same level per shaft. 


In order for the mechanical lock to unlock, the pins must align with the shear line. This can only happen when you insert the right key. The correct key has ridges that allow the pins to move towards the shear line. As a result, the cylinder of your pin-and-tumbler lock will turn, allowing you to open the lock.

What is a Master Key System?

The master locking system consists of different keys, depending on the number of levels of access you have. The most basic key is called the change key. It can only open a specific lock in the system. A building with 12 units also has 12 unique change keys that unlock each lock.


A master lock key is a key that can unlock all these 12 units. It’s the most important key for your building manager since it can access all rooms.


Suppose the establishment owner has another apartment. He wants to have access to each unit with just one key. This key will be called a grandmaster key. It can open all locks that the master key can access. If you have more levels of security, the keys will be called great grandmaster key, great great grand master key, and so on.

How Does a Master Key Work?

As mentioned, the master key can unlock all the change key locks. This is possible because a master lock has an additional pin in one or more shafts in the lock cylinder. This additional pin or pins in the master lock, called master wafer or spacer, makes all the difference. It creates another gap on the shaft, which can align with the shear line to unlock the lock. 


For example, when you insert a change key, the pins will go up until the space above the master wafer is at the shear line. Using the master key, the pins will go up until the gap below the master wafer is at the shear line. It can also be the other way around. As long as there is a space at the shear line, the cylinder will turn and unlock.

4 Different Types of Master Key Systems

We hope that at this point, you already have an idea of what a master lock key is and how it works. We’ll now discuss the different types of master key systems. 

Simple Master Key System

A simple master keying system is the most basic type of master key system. It consists of several doors; each can be opened by the individual owners using their respective keys. Then, there is a master key that can access all these doors in the system. It is a popular locking system in small commercial buildings and office blocks.

Simple Lobby Master Key Systems

This type of master key system allows a user to gain access to his unit and communal spaces in the building or block. It is common in residential blocks and complexes.

Lobby Master Key Systems Used in Multi-block Complexes with Shared Spaces

This third master key system is like the second one. The only difference is this one is more complex. It has a number of residential blocks that share common spaces. The key that a user has is considered a master key because it cannot just access the user’s unit. It can also access the lobby, gym, pool area, and other communal areas in the residential complex.

Grand Master Key Systems

A grand master key system has a higher level of accessibility. It consists of change locks, master keys, and a grandmaster key. The grandmaster key can access all locks that the master keys can open. 


A master key system offers levels of security and accessibility to building owners, managers, and unit owners. However, it is a complex locking system. You will need the assistance and expertise of professional locksmiths.



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