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Laser Key Cutting Machine: Why It’s a Preferred Choice for Locksmiths

by Kobi Ben 30 May 2022 0 Comments

Key cutting machines have been around for a long time, but they’ve only recently evolved to include lasers. In fact, the trend has just begun to take off in the past few years. But what is a laser, and why is the laser key cutting machine becoming so popular?

What Is Laser?

A laser is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Lasers are devices that emit a highly focused beam of light through a process called stimulated emission.

The light is concentrated into a narrow beam, typically a few millimeters wide, which can be transmitted for long distances without significant spreading or attenuation.

Lasers are used in a wide variety of applications, including surgery, manufacturing, communications, and entertainment. They are also the basis for devices such as laser pointers and barcode scanners.

How Do Lasers Work?

To understand how lasers work, it is helpful to understand a bit about light. Light is a type of energy that travels through the air and is used to see things. It is made up of tiny particles called photons.

When an object emits light, it is because the object's atoms are excited and are giving off photons. These photons can travel in all directions, but when they travel in the same direction and pass through each other, they can form a beam.

This is what happens when you use a laser pointer. The photons that come out of the laser pointer are all going in the same direction, and they pass through each other, forming a beam.

Lasers work by taking advantage of something called stimulated emission. In stimulated emission, some of the photons passing through the laser medium (the material that the laser is made of) are reflected back into the medium.

When they reflect back, they excite more atoms, causing even more photons to be released. These photons then pass through the medium and are reflected back again. This process continues, causing the number of photons in the beam to increase.

Eventually, there are so many photons in the beam that they create a powerful beam of light. The laser is then turned off, and the photons dissipate or lose their energy.

Types of Lasers

There are three main types of lasers: gas lasers, solid-state lasers, and dye lasers.

Gas lasers use a gas such as helium, neon, or argon to create the laser beam. Solid-state lasers use a solid material, such as a crystal, to create the beam. Dye lasers use a dye to create the beam.

How Lasers Can Cut Objects

When a laser is focused on an object, the photons in the beam interact with the atoms in the object. This causes the atoms to heat up and start to vibrate. The vibration of the atoms causes them to break apart, and this is what causes the object to be cut.

The amount of heat generated by the laser determines how quickly the object is cut. The higher the power of the laser, the more heat it will generate and the faster the object will be cut.

For this reason, laser technology is now considered one of the modern improvements for key cutting machines.

How Does a Laser Key Cutting Machine Work?

The basic principle behind a laser key cutting machine is that it uses a laser beam to cut the teeth of a key blank. The laser beam is focused on the key blank, and it causes the metal to heat up and start to melt. The molten metal is then ejected from the key blank, and this forms the teeth of the key.

The laser beam is moved along the length of the key blank, and this causes it to be cut into shape. The speed at which the laser beam moves along the key blank determines the accuracy of the cut.

Why Laser Key Cutting Machines Are Better than Others

Laser key cutting machines are better than other types of key cutting machines because they are more accurate and can make more precise cuts. They are also faster and can cut through harder materials.

In addition, laser key cutting machines are more reliable and less likely to break down. They also require less maintenance than other types of key cutting machines.

All these factors make laser key cutting machines the preferred choice for businesses that need to cut keys regularly, such as car dealerships and locksmiths.

How to Buy Laser Key Cutting Machines

If you are in the market for a laser key cutting equipment, there are a few things that you should keep in mind. Here are some tips on how to buy laser key cutting machines:

  • Consider the size of the key cutting head. The size of the key cutting head determines the size of the keys that the machine can cut.
  • Determine the depth of cut. The depth of cut determines how deep the laser beam can cut into the key blank.
  • Know the power of the laser beam. The power of the laser beam determines how much heat it will generate and how quickly the object will be cut.
  • Learn the other features of the key cutting machine. Ensure that the machine has all the features that you need, such as the ability to cut different types of keys.
  • Get a demonstration of the key cutting machine. Make sure that you can see how the machine works before you buy it.
  • Determine the speed. The speed of the machine is vital if you need to cut many keys in a short period.
  • Get a warranty. Make sure that the key cutting machine comes with a warranty.
  • Compare different models of laser key cutting machines. Get the best value for your money.

Laser technology is becoming more popular for key cutting machines because it offers many advantages over other technologies.

Lasers are more accurate and can make more precise cuts, they are faster, and they can cut through harder materials. In addition, lasers are more reliable and less likely to break down. They also require less maintenance than other types of key cutting machines.

All these factors make a laser key cutting machine an excellent choice for those that need to cut keys regularly.

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