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How To Help Your Commercial Locksmith Customers Choose High-Security Locks

by Kobi Ben 10 Dec 2021 0 Comments
How To Help Your Commercial Locksmith Customers Choose High-Security Locks

Part of being a locksmith is becoming an expert in all aspects of your field. As such, your customers will turn to you for advice on their lock and security needs. When your commercial customers ask about securing their businesses, assets, or other valuables, you need to know how to advise them.

Let’s look at ways to help evaluate their needs and how UHS Hardware can help. That way, you can help them make the best decision and earn their trust for years to come.

Understand Commercial Lock Grades

As you may already know, commercial locks are graded by the BHMA (Builders Home Manufacturers Association) and the ANSI (American National Standards Institute). They can be graded from one to three, with Grade Ones being the strongest and appropriate for heavy-use exterior doors, while Grade Threes are better for supply closets and lower-security doors.

If you have a customer with security concerns and demanding the best, then you certainly want to use Grade One locks with them. You may even consider installing Grade Ones or at least Grade Twos on the interior to protect high-value items or spaces.

Types of Locks

There are several different types of locks that you can offer your customers that have various benefits regarding security. Traditional cylinder locks are the most common. Once again, they’re graded from one to three.

In addition, there are puzzle locks and push-button combination locks that require you to enter a code in sequence to unlock the door. These can be very useful if your customers need to grant access to many staff members (such as a school), residents (as in an apartment building), or others. However, they run the risk that an unauthorized person might obtain the code.

Don’t Forget the Hardware

Door security isn’t just about the locks themselves, but also the hardware. Be sure to use sturdy door hinges. Door hinges come in light-weight, standard, and heavy-weight grades. The ones your customers need depend on the door’s weight and the traffic it will get.

Also don't forget about emergency exit devices. Sometimes as much as they may want it, a business's doors cannot lock from both sides for safety reasons. Finally, consider drill protection if they're very concerned about break-ins. 

Offer a Large Selection of Trusted Brands 

One of the best things you can do for your customers–from homeowners to business owners with high-security needs–is to offer a wide array of options. That way, you can describe their choices and show them what you can offer and how different locks and hardware work to secure their property and valuables.

To do that, you need a competent, affordable, and reliable supplier. UHS Hardware not only stocks a vast selection of all types of locks, but we also sell any locksmith supplies you might need at an affordable price. If you want to learn more about high-security commercial locks, contact us any time and speak to one of our locksmith supply experts.
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