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All About Key Machines

by Kobi Ben 02 Aug 2022 0 Comments
All About Key Machines

People depend on key duplication to acquire a spare key, especially for a possible emergency. But do you often wonder how locksmiths duplicate the key pattern accurately? Locksmiths or key service providers rely on key machines. 


A key machine is an instrument that can copy the pattern of the original key or generate a new key system by code. Most locksmiths now use motorized key machines, but manual machines are also available. 


If you are interested in key machines, you have come to the right place. With this article guide, you will know the vital things about key machines. 


Different Types of Key Machines


Nowadays, lock keys come in different forms – flat keys, padded keys, tubular keys, and double-sided keys, to name a few. So, you can also expect that there are different types of key machines needed to duplicate or create them. Listed below are some key machine types which locksmiths usually use. 

Duplicator Machine


The duplicator machine is probably the most common type of key machine. It usually uses a key cutting blade to copy the original key’s pattern into a blank key. 


A manual duplicator machine requires the locksmith to apply force against the cutter and moves the key horizontally. However, it may result to inconsistent key duplication. Thus, semi-automatic key duplicators are also available to maintain the pressure between the cutter and the blank key. 


Key Code Machine


Unlike the duplicator machine, the key code machine does not require the original key to produce a new key. With the lock’s code found on its specifications, the locksmith can input the data into the key code machine to generate the key. So, a key code machine is helpful for property owners who have lost their keys unexpectedly. 


The key code machine can have interchangeable cutting blades that can be variously profiled or angled. Advanced key code machines may also use a single cutting blade that can control the cutting width or shape through a computer. 

Tubular Key Machine


As its name implies, the tubular key machine is the dedicated key machine for tubular keys. The circle pin tumbler locks use tubular keys, which are also circular with notches cut around the edge. They are usually used in elevators and coin-operated machines.  


Laser Key Cutting Machine


Today, car keys are harder to duplicate since manufacturers maximize laser cutting. In a standard key, the patterns are on the sides. However, laser-cut keys have their patterns at the center of the keys. 


Unlike the traditional key cutting service from locksmiths, the laser key cutting machine is probably available in top-rated locksmith service providers. The machine requires intensive knowledge and skills from the locksmith to duplicate or generate a key accurately. Moreover, it is an expensive key machine, so usually, only a few locksmiths may offer laser key cutting.  


Key Machine Buying Guide


If you plan to start a locksmith company, buying the right equipment will never be too easy. To guide you, here are some things to consider in buying key machines: 

Target Customers


As a locksmith service provider, you should know the customer’s needs. For instance, if you are near residential areas, the duplicator machine is a must since most homeowners duplicate their home keys. Moreover, if your target customers are car owners, you might need to equip a laser key cutting machine since most cars use laser keys. 




Key machines can be manual or automatic. If you are confident about your locksmith skills, manual key machines may be enough to save on cost. But for a more accurate and precise key duplication or production, automatic key machines can be better. 


Machine Warranty


Some people often overlook warranties. However, since the key machine is integral equipment for your key service business, you should check its warranty before buying. Usually, a warranty for key machines lasts for at least two years or above. 


Brand or Model 


Like any other purchase, you also need to consider the key machine brand or model. The top key machine brands today include HPC/Hudson Lock, Silca, Keyline USA, and Keyless Factory. 


Aside from the brand, consider the best model fit for your locksmith services. Check the specifications, reviews, and ratings before trusting the key machine brand or model. 



Key machines are locksmith devices that provide key duplication or generation. Some can be manual or automatic, depending on the user’s preference. There are different types of key machines available in the market – such as duplicator, key code, tubular, and laser key cutting machines. Each has its own advantage, which typically depends on the type of keys needed. 


If you are in the locksmith industry, you need to consider the best type of key machine right for your business. Some factors to consider are your target customers and the key machine’s mechanism, brand, model, and warranty offer. Hopefully, you will make the right choice in choosing your key machine. 



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